Wednesday, October 15, 2008

blog 5

I feel that the internet is an excellent tool for students researching information. A world of knowledge at their fingertips, students using the internet are using the most time efficient way to obtain obscure information on specific topics. Assignments can be turned in outside of the classroom and so the importance of attendance and class preparation is lightened. Using internet search engines would also teach students how to properly use key terms in researching information. However, slight negatives consequences of the internet would include that students may obtain false information and have convenient access to inappropriate material. Also children might grow too accustomed to easy access of information; their researching work-ethic may become lackadaisical.

One web-based resource that is an excellent way to support student learning would be from on-line assignments. Information can be globally distributed in an instant, making distance an irrelevant issue. This would allow for long- distance education. Also, trees would be saved, considering that hard copies of assignments would no longer be needed. Some resources that interest me would include and my Gmail account on Google. E-mail accounts allow me to have all of my papers and information that I need available to me on any computer with internet access. This is extremely useful to me in the situation that all my information on my computer was lost and the memory was the only hard-drive that I saved it on. If this situation had occurred, I would still be alright because I have the information stored in my e-mail account file.

Probable concerns I feel I would come across as a teacher teaching middle school students in a technology environment would include students using unreliable sources for their research. Inappropriate websites would be a likely problem I would have to prepare for, considering my students would be around 11- 13 years old. So the main reason why being concerned with the websites that my students go on is based on the maturity level of the students. 11- 13 years old, I feel are recklessly mischievous.

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